Crime Museum is now closed
The Crime Museum periodically lends out artifacts and exhibits to tour both locally and nationally. Visit this page frequently to see what artifacts are making their way around the country.
Currently traveling:
John Dillinger’s 1933 Hudson Essex-Terraplane 8
This 1933 Essex was purchased by Public Enemy #1 John Dillinger in March 1934 from the Potthoff Brothers Motor Company in St. Paul, Minnesota. On March 31, 1934 Dillinger and his girlfriend Evelyn Frechette escaped police at the Lincoln Court Apartments in St. Paul. During the shoot out with the police, Dillinger took a bullet in his left leg and two slugs (.32 or .38 caliber fired from a service revolver) remain in the front cowl panel of the car from this shoot out. Dillinger used the car until April 7, 1934, when he and his brother, Hubert, crashed the car in a field.
The Dillinger Car was previously on display at the Crime Museum, before traveling to various locations, including: Baltimore-Washington International Airport, the Richmond Convention Center, the Indianapolis International Airport, and the Indiana State Museum. It can currently be seen at the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum in Auburn, Indiana.
If you would be interested in displaying this or another artifact at your facility, please email .